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Meet previous students.

John Doe

Bart Dekker

Thank you Paul and Kelli for the massive amount of work and passion you have put into this program. I have learned a lot about myself and about expressing my thoughts. Thank you for everything.

Jane Helf

Sharon Lim

Paul and Kelli this trip has been the best experience ever because of you guys! I really appreciate your support and teaching. Thank you so much, you are my hero's. x0x0x0


Joshua Insanus

Mathew Kirk

Paul and Kelli (tutors) you not only invigorated an interest in the ‘doing of art’ from deep within but you have shown me many facets of Balinese culture that I feel are very often missed or not celebrated as they should be.  It has been an awesome trip full of learning, laughs and some beers along the way and it would not have been possible without your easy going, yet respected personalities.  Thanks for a great ending to my UWA degree.                -  Matt Kirk (Mo Bao Award recipient Jan 2015)


Thank you to all of those students who have allowed me to present their work in this page.



Please follow this link for the process to enrol or enquire.










©2017 Paul Trinidad